Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Treatment #8

Treatment 8 went fine once I got started. The phlebotomist was out on vacation so a new person was in there and took forever to get my lab done. Saw the dr. and I will now see him every other week. My blood counts were much better this time. Red count finally starting to come up enough to improve. I have no mouth sores this time. Praise the Lord for that! I feel fine and am going to take it easy all week. I am going to give in and rest as much as I can. So by next week I should be ready to take on the week at work and not wear out. Take care and email when you can. Most everyone who reads this, I don't respond back directly because I don't have everyone's email address. Come see us when you can. Have a blessed Thanksgiving. I sure will. I am so blessed to be here!

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