Thursday, August 9, 2007

A Few Days After Treatment

Well, the first day was fine. Not much different. Day 2 I was sluggish until lunch. I kept waiting to get sick and never did. I had a shot to boost my blood cells and that led to Day 3. I was sluggish again until lunch or so and achy all over. It gave me flu like symptoms but that's all. Day 4 still no sick feeling, a little less achy, and a little more energy. I will probably feel better each day until my next treatment and then it will start over again. I am praying every day for strength against the sickness and trying to stay positive. Call when you can or email. If I don't feel well or am resting the kids will tell you. Take care!


patsy said...

you are doing great girl! stay positive and when it gets rough just tie that knot and hang on!! hi to everyone and love ya

tsavell said...

Hey girl! it's your cousin from Carthage. Everyone up this way has you in our prayers. God is the great physician and a merciful God of many wonders!!!! Just watch what He has in store for you! "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."

BE STRONG -- I know you are

Love you!


Myrie said...

Hey Michelle,
We are praying for you at IABC and Cherokee. Keep up the faith and God will heal you. Thank God for blessings that are not evident yet. Love, Ms. Myrie

Aunt Vickie said...

Hope you are having an okay week!! Back to school, everything is in fast lane,again. You are in my prayers every day! Call me any time you want to talk! Luv you lots!!!